onsdag 28 oktober 2009

BDM-01 review

Thanks to Brad Watts of Audio Technology I finally got a copy of the first BDM-01 review. And I've been smiling all morning!

We may not be the largest microphone manufacturer on the planet - and we don't launch new products every other week. But when we do, we try to make sure they are something special. Therefore, this kind of feedback is great motivation for us to keep developing new models.

Read excerpts from the review here.

Read the entire review here.

måndag 19 oktober 2009

BDM-01 reviewed - finally

Our latest product release, the BDM-01 bass drum mic, has exceeded all expectations and sold more than we had planned for. Therefore it's been hard for me to get demo units to send out for reviewing. But finally, there is a proper review in the latest issue of Australian Audio Technology (issue 70).

I've had not had a chance to read it myself yet, but according to our Australian distributor, Darren Halifax of Microphone Solutions Australia, it is really good. Thank you Darren for setting up the review.

As soon as I get a copy of the review I will tell you more.

There are more reviews of the BDM-01 in the pipeline, with several prestigious magazines waiting for a demo unit.

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Tape Op SDC shootout revisited

Thanks to Laura Thurmond of Tape Op magazine, I was finally able to get a copy of the magazine with the extensive SDC shootout (Tape Op No. 72 July/Aug 2009, pages 56-58).

As I've written before, the two Milabs in the shootout (VM-44 and DC-96B) both made the cut, as decided by the very prestigious 21-member panel. It was also nice to see that the author of the article, Mike Jasper, picked both Milab mics among his personal favourites.

So what can we learn from this? Choosing your microphone is mostly a matter of taste, but it is clear from a test like this that buying a microphone from the company with the biggest marketing budget or the best known brand name does not mean you will get the best product. Dig a little deeper, make your own blind tests and make sure that you get a microphone that is right for you.

lördag 10 oktober 2009

Up and running in New York

The first day of the AES Convention was a success. The booth looks really great and stands out from the rest (the image below shows the booth just before they let the public in). The people at FDW-W have done an amazing job creating marketing material in such a short time. Everything looks amazing.

We had so many people talking about the products all day and it was hard even finding a little time for lunch.
In the evening we had a press party at the Marriot to celebrate the inclusion of Milab and Audient in the "FDW-W family". This too was a success with many guest, great food and wonderful entertainment.