måndag 21 december 2009

Milab down under

Microphone Solutions Australia, the Milab distributor for Australia and New Zealand, just launched their new website. Check it out at: www.milabaustralia.com

fredag 18 december 2009

Winter in Sweden

Winter has hit our part of Sweden really hard. I still had to drive up to Gothenburg yesterday (about 2 hrs) to pick up our new stereo cases for matched pairs. They look fabulous!

On the way, I personally delivered three LSR-3000:s to the singer/guitar player from all girl band Face 84 - an up and coming band who are making a name for themselves. They've been getting some attention on both Swedish and Norwegian TV lately. It's a sign of class that they are willing to invest in proper vocal mics - too many bands just go with the standard dynamics. I suppose many singers don't realize how big the difference really is. Try a high-end condenser and you will never go back!

It's been very intense for us the last few weeks, but the guys in production have been just amazing! Orders have been shipped all over the world - US, Japan, Australia, Germany, Italy, Norway etc...

Our Australian distributor is about to launch a brand new website at: www.milabaustralia.com. I'll let you know when it goes public - hopefully this weekend.

I will get some days off around christmas, but I've got loads of gigs booked for 2010, starting already January first. And we already have several orders that have to be delivered in January, so it looks like 2010 will be busy!

Merry christmas!

måndag 7 december 2009

Pernilla Andersson nominated for Grammy

Pernilla Andersson (whom I've written about before) used the DC-196 for "almost everything" on her latest album - Ashbury Apples.

Pernilla has just been nominated for Best Female Artist at the Swedish Grammy Awards. All of us at Milab are keeping our fingers crossed!

onsdag 2 december 2009

Rod Stewart and the LSR-2000

There were several Milab LSR-2000:s on stage for Rod Stewart's world tour in 1992. Rod's mic is covered in white tape to match the stage design.

If you're used to dynamic mics and how you have to press the microphone against your lips when singing, notice how Rod doesn't have to think about the distance to the mic. Sometimes it's 10 inches from his mouth - without any real noticable change to the sound. Yet another reason to go for a condenser.

And I guess Rod didn't know that we accept custom orders (if he wanted a white LSR-2000). We delivered custom silver LSR-2000 to Swedish band Melody Club earlier this year.

Updated FAQ

I just added some questions to the FAQ page on our website:


tisdag 1 december 2009

Wisycom and Milab

Ever heard about Wisycom (Italy)? They are a very exclusive manufacturer of wireless equipment, including wireless microphones. State-of-the-art stuff!

They don't make their own capsules though, and after years(!) of testing they have now been using the Milab VM-44 capsule for their top model - MTH300 - for about a year. It is available both with the VM-44 cardioid capsule (MCM302) and the VM-44 omni capsule (MCM304). The microphone has gone through rigorous testing in both Italy and Sweden and has been approved by both Milab and Wisycom.

This means that there finally is a wireless option for all you hardcore Milab fans. The MTH300 with the MCM302 head is as close as you get to a wireless LSR-3000.

Check out the Wisycom website.

Website visitors

We now have about twice as many visitors to the website when compared to the same period last year. The increase from the US and Canada is huge - and I assume we owe most of it to our fabolous new North American distributor - FDW-Worldwide. You are doing a great job guys!