onsdag 24 februari 2010

Classic albums recorded with Milabs

One of the most rewarding things in a job like this is hearing that artists you admire are working with your products. One of the most frustrating things is that I will never know of a fraction of the albums that were recorded with our microphones. I'll bring up some of the albums here that I've been informed were recorded with our mics. I'll start out with the great Jeff Buckley:

Artist: Jeff Buckley

Album: Grace

Year: 1994

Mic(s): Milab VIP-50 for vocals

Grace is a beautiful album that is often mentioned as one of the great albums of the 90's. Ironically Jeff holds a Shure 55SH on the album cover, but from what I've learned his amazing voice was recorded with a Milab VIP-50.
There are several haunting tracks on this album, including a cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah - that actually peaked charts as late as 2008.


Spotify link: Jeff Buckley – Grace

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