tisdag 17 mars 2009

Historic models

As you may know, the history of Milab is a bit complicated; It started with PML in 1941 and resulted in two separate microphone companies in the late 70s. I often get email regarding information on older microphone models. We've decided to put only the models who have carried the Milab name on the "Historic models" page on the website, but if you have questions regarding older models just drop us a few lines and we will help you with more info.

We also perform service and maintenance on most older models. Many old Milab/PML mics are still hard currency on ebay and other "used gear-sites". You are always welcome to to send us your used mics for a check-up and lab test. For a small fee we run them in our lab and send them back with a new frequency curve.

Just last week we performed service on a rare VIP-501 (the image), which is basically a VIP-50 without the filters.

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